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Alastair Buchan

Professor of Stroke Medicine

  • Academic Lead for Medicine, Oxford in Berlin

Acute stroke and Neuroprotection

Prof Alastair Buchan heads the Laboratory of Cerebral Ischaemia whose aim is to identify novel neuroprotective strategies that may be used for the treatment or prevention of an acute stroke. We conduct preclinical studies on putative neuroprotectants in models of stroke, while running human studies to identify potential targets for treatment strategies and markers for monitoring patients. We take a multimodal approach that involves aspects of cell and molecular biology, physiology, pharmacology, in vivo imaging, surgery and clinical medicine. Our interests currently lie in many exciting avenues of stroke research. We are identifying and targeting novel neuroprotective pathways following brain ischaemia such as the oxygen sensing mechanism, hypoxia inducible factor (HIF). We are also using proteomic and metabolomic techniques to identify new biomarkers for stroke. Other avenues of research include investigating neurovascular coupling following stroke, exploring pericyte control of capillary blood flow as well as attempting to improve the efficacy of the only approved treatment for acute stroke, recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA).