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Amanda Adler

Professor of Diabetic Medicine and Health Policy

  • Director of Diabetes Trials Unit
  • Commissioner, Commission on Human Medicines
  • Chair, Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Renal, Respiratory and Allergy Expert Advisory Group, Commission on Human Medicines
  • Vice-Chair, NICE Technology Appraisal Committee D
  • Honorary Consultant Physician

Amanda Adler trained in economics, medicine, and epidemiology in the US, and pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology in the UK. She directs the Diabetes Trial Unit, DTU, which oversees and collaborates on studies to address interventions related to diabetes and endocrinology to improve health; the Unit works closely with Health Economic Research Centre in Oxford and with other research groups around the UK and internationally. 

The Unit welcomes collaborators on trials and observational studies from the UK and internationally.   The Unit supports trials funded by industry, the NIHR, and charity.   The Unit supports graduate students.

In 1997, Adler joined the Diabetes Research Laboratory, Oxford, as the epidemiologist for the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS). From 2004, she was appointed as NHS Consultant Physician at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge. She chaired a Technology Appraisal Committee for 12 years at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) evaluating drugs and devices across disease areas and making decisions to guide policy.  In 2024, she was reappointed vice-chair of a Technology Appraisal Committee.  With NICE, she also chaired the committee for new models to evaluate and purchase antimicrobials, the In-Vitro Advisory Group, the Clinical Guidelines for Newer Agents for Type 2 Diabetes, and the first Quality Standard for Diabetes. She received an award for Distinguished Contribution to NICE at the Parliamentary ceremony celebrating NICE’s 20th anniversary.

She sees patients in the NHS.  She chaired the World Health Organisation Technical Advisory Group for Diabetes.  She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (London) and the Royal Statistical Society. She is on the Commission on Human Medicines (CHM) which advises ministers on the safety, efficacy and quality of medicinal products, and chairs the CHM’s Expert Advisory Group Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Renal, Respiratory and Allergy.  She serves on the National Diabetes Audit Partnership Board and a commissioned funding committee of the National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR).  She supports projects that set priorities under universal health coverage and led by the World Bank, NICE, the International Decision Support Initiative, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.