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Arthur Disegna


NIHR Blood and Transplant Research Unit Doctoral Fellow

Haemorrhage in Traumatic Brain Injury

I obtained my medical degree from the University of Brasília, in 2019, during which I researched artificial intelligence to diagnose complications of pituitary disorders. As a doctor, I worked as an Intensive Care Clinical Fellow in Brazilian private hospitals throughout the pandemic before moving to Oxford for my DPhil (PhD).

The theme of my research is severe head injuries. Specifically, I am looking at how to treat the consequences of haemorrhages within the Brain. My methodology includes epidemiological research, meta-analyses, translational projects, neuroimaging and laboratory sciences.

Along with collaborators from the University of Cambridge, we introduced MARVLE-TBI. This study employs locally developed AI-powered resonance techniques to identify intra-cerebral bleeding with an unprecedentedly high resolution. In the laboratory, we also analyse the patients' bloods to identify possible future therapies.

My other roles include teaching Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology to Oxford medical students. I also work as a Critical Care doctor at the John Radcliffe University Hospital in Oxford.

I am a member of Brasenose College (University of Oxford), where I serve as a Junior Dean and was awarded Senior Hulme Scholar status in recognition of "outstanding achievement" in research. I am part of leadership development initiatives such as Oxford's Global Leadership Initiative (GLI), and, externally, the Líderes community, a competitive fellowship aimed at Brazilian nationals with “a potential to impact their country and the world”.

My degree is funded by the NIHR Blood and Transplant Research Unit. I hold project grants from the British Journal of Anaesthesia, Brain Research UK and the Oxfordshire Hospitals Charity. We collaborate closely with other groups nationally and internationally.