Claudia Nunes
Senior Research Nurse
- Lead Research Nurse for:
I am a Senior Cardiovascular Research Nurse with an extensive background in general cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery and interventional cardiology; and profound experience in regulation and conduct of industry-led and investigator initiated Clinical Trials.
The Oxford Centre for Clinical Magnetic Resonance (OCMR) is currently conducting a research study called GO-DCM- Defining the genetics, biomarkers and outcomes for dilated cardiomyopathy: a prospective multi-centre observational study. This British Heart Foundation funded research project seeks to recruit 1200 participants across 8 centres in the UK. It is an observational, prospective study with clinically diagnosed DCM, with collection of baseline data such as imaging data, serum biomarkers and clinical risk factors and it has a 5 year remote follow up.
This study aims to further understand the genetic architecture of DCM whilst identifying clinical biomarkers to predict and perhaps even prevent outcomes in patients with DCM.