Contact information
Dragana Savic
MSc, DPhil
Dragana Savic is a trained biomedical engineer (Medicine and Technology) from the Technical University of Denmark and Copenhagen University. Her master’s thesis research was completed at Yale University, where she studied the effects of aging on cardiac function.
While at Yale, she was recruited as a project lead at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), where she led the implementation and FDA approval of the first GE PET/MRI scanner. She was the clinical coordinator for a $1M multi-centre OA trial and established the first protocol for a phase I clinical trial in patients with liver metastasis using hyperpolarized MRI.
Following her position at UCSF, she completed her DPhil at the University of Oxford with Professor Damian Tyler and Professor Lisa Heather investigating treatment effects on cardiovascular function in diabetes using hyperpolarized MRI, biochemistry, and Langendorff isolated heart perfusions.
From October 2018-October 2022 she was a Novo Nordisk Fellow with Professor Stefan Neubauer, Professor Leanne Hodson and Dr. Michael Pavlides. Her project focused on investigating metabolic changes in patients with different stages of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) using MRI/MRS and stable isotope labeling.
She holds an MBA and has yearly been coaching innovation teams for Merck KGaA. Several of the projects she has developed have been taken up by Merck.
Following her fellowship, she co-founded a start-up treating chronic inflammatory diseases. She holds a provisional hardware patent and is currently focused on raising funds and developing the first prototype.
Recent publications
Imaging Bone-Cartilage Interactions in Osteoarthritis Using [18F]-NaF PET-MRI.
Savic D. et al, (2016), Mol Imaging, 15, 1 - 12
Modeling predicts a connection between sinus vortex effects and aortic compliance
Aboelkassem Y. et al, (2016), Journal of Theoretical Biology, 389, 306 - 309
Cartilage T 1ρ and T 2 relaxation times: longitudinal reproducibility and variations using different coils, MR systems and sites
Li X. et al, (2015), Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 23, 2214 - 2223
Assessing Biological Response to Bevacizumab Using 18F-Fluoromisonidazole PET/MR Imaging in a Patient with Recurrent Anaplastic Astrocytoma
Barajas RF. et al, (2015), Case Reports in Radiology, 2015, 1 - 4
Mathematical modeling of aortic valve dynamics during systole
Aboelkassem Y. et al, (2015), Journal of Theoretical Biology, 365, 280 - 288