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Jakob Knudsen

Novo Nordisk Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2015-2019)

  • Project: Fumarate - the elusive link between diabetes and cancer?

Jakob was awarded a Novo Nordisk Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in 2015, working with Prof Patrik Rorsman’s group at the Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism (OCDEM). The focus of Jakob’s fellowship was investigating the role of TCA cycle regulation in the development of diabetes and its co-morbidities.

Following his Novo Nordisk fellowship, Jakob was appointed as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, in June 2019. Jakob’s recently awarded Excellence Emerging Investigator Grant in Endocrinology and Metabolism from the Novo Nordisk Foundation and a Sapere Aude Starting Grant from the Independent Research Found Denmark support his research on cell metabolism and glucagon secretion.