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Lise Estcourt

MB BChir, MA(Cantab), MA(MEL), MSc, DLSHTM, DPhil, FRCP, FRCPath

Associate Professor of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine

  • Medical Director for Transfusion NHS Blood and Transplant
  • Clinical Lead Systematic Reviews Initiative
  • Director of NHS Blood and Transplant Clinical Trials Unit
  • NIHR IAT Lead for NHSBT

I am a Consultant Haematologist for NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), and Associate Professor in Haematology andTransfusion Medicine. My research in transfusion medicine focuses on the safe and appropriate use of blood components (red blood cells, platelets, plasma, cryoprecipitate) and their alternatives. A lot of my work has examined the use of platelet transfusions in people with haematological malignancies, and risk factors for bleeding. My research work involves systematic reviews (Cochrane and non-Cochrane); clinical trials; and clinical studies. I work with several other organisations to improve health and healthcare. 

I am the Clinical Lead for the Systematic Reviews Initiative, Director of NHSBT Clinical Trials Unit and Associate Medical Director for Research, Development and Quality Improvement in Transfusion for NHSBT. 

I am the Co-ordinating editor of Cochrane Haematology and an editor of the journal Transfusion Medicine.

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