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Naveed Akbar

BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, FHEA

Associate Professor of Cardiovascular Science

  • British Heart Foundation Intermediate Basic Science Research Fellow
  • Principal Investigator Radcliffe Department of Medicine
  • Research Fellow Somerville College

Extracellular Vesicles in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases


I obtained my BSc (Hons) in Human Biology before completing an MSc by research in Biomedical Sciences, where I developed an interest in vascular biology and undertook interdisciplinary training to synthesize and fabricate nanoparticles for vascular targeting. I went on to obtain my PhD in Medicine and Therapeutics at the University of Dundee, where I investigated the role of innate immune signalling cascades in vascular inflammation using in vivo imaging.

As a British Heart Foundation Intermediate Basic Science Research Fellow my lab investigates the role of extracellular vesicles in cardiovascular and metabolic inflammation.

Cells within our body can transcribe, package and deliver messages to other cells, through the generation of nano-sized bubble-shaped envelopes, called extracellular vesicles (EVs). Within their enclosed spheres, these messages contain potent instructions that can alter the behaviour and biological function of its recipients, which include the very motile and sensitive cells of the immune system. I am uncovering how these shielded messages provoke the immune system into action after a heart attack. Immune system activation after a heart attack directly contributes to further injury and this in turn impacts patient health and well-being. Extracellular vesicles may provide diagnostic potential to better stratify patients for treatment following injury to the heart and as tools for therapeutic targeting.

Public Engagement 

Pint of Science ( aims to encourage and support the communication of the latest research in Oxford to the public in an interesting, engaging and approachable way, by bringing scientists to pubs. We attract over 800 attendees to 19 events every year. At Oxford, the festival is led and entirely run by researcher volunteers, rather than being led by a public engagement officer or organisation. I have coordinated our activities in Oxford for the past 8 years. To date Oxford Pint of Science has helped >200 researchers to particpapate in public enagement activities, enabling them to undertake further public enagement events of their own across the UK.

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