Priya Sugavanam
Senior Research Associate
Priya Sugavanam is a mixed methods health services researcher. She joined OCDEM in September 2023 to work on the NIHR funded project on developing and testing an intervention for shift work sleep disorder in NHS workers. She has a Bachelor (SRIPMS, Tamilnadu, India), Masters (Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh) and Doctoral (Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh) degree in Physiotherapy. Her doctoral degree was on person-centred goal setting for exercise after stroke.
Priya has previously worked for the Health Services Research Unit (HSRU, NDPH) and the Rehabilitation Research Group in Oxford (RRIO, NDORMS) on multiple projects. These include: exploring management of quality in Integrated Care Systems in England; developing core outcome sets for adult social care; overview of systematic reviews and panoramic meta-analysis of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; and the implementation of the Back Skills Training (BeST) programme.
Prior to this she worked for the Peninsula CLAHRC, University of Plymouth on a number of projects such as developing a questionnaire to tap patient experiences of person-centred coordinated care, developing an intervention for singing for people with aphasia, and a systematic review on experiences of goal setting. She also has the experience of working as a Lecturer in Physiotherapy at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh.
Recent publications
Lalani M. et al, (2025), International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 14
Sugavanam T. et al, (2024), Disabil Rehabil, 1 - 18
Sugavanam T. et al, (2024), BMC Health Serv Res, 24
Page B. et al, (2024), Int J Integr Care, 24
Sannasi R. et al, (2023), Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 36, 221 - 227