Serena Briant
PhD, BSc (Hons)
Senior Research Facilitator and Novo Nordisk Programme Manager
I am a Senior Research Facilitator in the RDM Research Strategy and Funding team. I am Programme Manager for the Novo Nordisk - Oxford Fellowship Programme. This fellowship programme enables early career researchers to undertake cutting edge research projects in the fields of 1) diabetes and obesity, 2) cardiovascular and rare blood diseases, 3) other cardiometabolic diseases. Fellows are based in departments across the Medical Sciences Division and Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division at the University of Oxford. Joint supervision or mentorship is provided by Novo Nordisk scientists.
I joined the University of Oxford in 2015, working as a Research Administrator within the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics. I am a scientist by training, with a background in autonomic neuroscience. I obtained an undergraduate degree in Physiological Science in 2010 and then went on to complete a PhD in Systems Neuroscience in 2014, both at the University of Bristol.
Recent publications
Pro-opiomelanocortin neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract mediate endorphinergic endogenous analgesia in mice.
Patra PH. et al, (2023), Pain, 164, 1051 - 1066
Release of beta-endorphin from brainstem pro-opiomelanocortin neurons in mice produces anxiolysis but not place preference
Holmes F. et al, (2016), BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, 117, E843 - E843
Activation of Brainstem Pro-opiomelanocortin Neurons Produces Opioidergic Analgesia, Bradycardia and Bradypnoea.
Cerritelli S. et al, (2016), PLoS One, 11