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Simon Stanworth

MA, FRCP (Paeds, UK), PhD, FRCPath

Professor of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine

  • Consultant Haematologist

Clinical indications of blood components, through systematic reviews and clinical studies/trials.

Dr Simon Stanworth is a Consultant Haematologist for NHSBT at the John Radcliffe Hospital (Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust), and honorary senior clinical lecturer at the University of Oxford. He has over 15 years of clinical research experience since gaining his PhD in 1995 from the University of Oxford. His research is centred on clinical indications of blood transfusion components, through systematic reviews and clinical studies/trials. Highlights have included several international randomised trials published in NEJM. He has published extensively, having over 150 peer-reviewed research articles, with an h-index 48; more recently he has been involved with 5 national guidelines. He is secretary of the South Central Regional Transfusion Committee. Dr Stanworth is a current scientific member of the BEST Collaborative from 2007.