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Winok Lapidaire

Principal Investigator

Dr. Winok Lapidaire is a Principal Investigator in the Cardiovascular Medicine Division, University of Oxford. Her research focuses on the effect of high blood pressure on the brain with a particular interest for the effects of high blood pressure during pregnancy.

She aims to make early diagnosis and continuous check-ups for vascular diseases accurate, affordable, and accessible for everyone. She uses computational modelling on multi-organ multi-modality data to develop affordable imaging-based tools that can monitor cardiovascular disease progression following hypertensive pregnancy. She also co-invented and developed VITA, a medical imaging device to detect changes in small vessels and blood cells that can be used in community care. 

Winok completed her undergraduate degree at University College Utrecht, the Netherlands. She subsequently obtained two masters degrees by following the dual masters in brain and mind sciences at University College London and École Normale Supérieure (Paris, France). She was awarded a Child Health Research studentship to fund a PhD on the long-term effect of neonatal nutrition on the preterm brain at the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health. This study was an adult follow-up of a nutritional intervention trial in preterm infants and entailed brain MRI scans and cognitive testing.