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Current methods struggle to reconstruct and visualize the genomic relationships of large numbers of bacterial genomes. GrapeTree facilitates the analyses of large numbers of allelic profiles by a static "GrapeTree Layout" algorithm that supports interactive visualizations of large trees within a web browser window. GrapeTree also implements a novel minimum spanning tree algorithm (MSTree V2) to reconstruct genetic relationships despite high levels of missing data. GrapeTree is a stand-alone package for investigating phylogenetic trees plus associated metadata and is also integrated into EnteroBase to facilitate cutting edge navigation of genomic relationships among bacterial pathogens.

Original publication





Genome research

Publication Date





1395 - 1404


Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom.


Bacteria, Phylogeny, Alleles, Genome, Bacterial, Software, DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic