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Contemporary cancer therapy has resulted in significant survival gains for patients. However, many current and emerging cancer therapies have an associated risk of cardiotoxicity, either acutely or later in life. Regular cardiac screening and surveillance is recommended for patients undergoing treatment for cancer, with emphasis on the early detection of cardiotoxicity before irreversible complications develop. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging is able to accurately assess cardiac structure, function, and perform advanced myocardial tissue characterisation, including perfusion, features which may facilitate the diagnosis and management of cardiotoxicity in cancer survivors. This review outlines the current standards for the diagnosis and screening of cardiotoxicity, with particular focus on current and future applications of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging.

Original publication





Cardiovasc Diagn Ther

Publication Date





610 - 624


Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), cardio-oncology, cardiotoxicity