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Transfusion of an incorrect blood component is an important avoidable serious hazard of transfusion resulting from process errors. Our group and others have taken advantage of new technology and developed electronic transfusion systems for safe transfusion practice in a previous studies. They allow the clinical staff to correctly identify the patient and the blood product at the bedside, ensuring the right blood product is given to the right patient. This video is to demonstrate the process and not to promote any specific product. It is a follow up our previous video clip on electronic remote blood issue in a previous study. The process for correct patient identification originates from the wristband, which contains the patient identification details in a 2D barcode and is printed from the electronic patient record system. These details are associated with the blood sample through using a portable printer to produce a label for the sample tube. The patient details are scanned into the blood bank laboratory information system (LIS) and are then printed on a compatibility label by the LIS, which also contains a 2-dimensional barcode, and is then attached to the blood product. Following an initial visual check of these details by the clinical staff, the electronic bedside system requires that both the patient wristband barcode and the blood product compatibility barcode are scanned. This will electronically verify at the patient's bedside that the right unit is to be given to the right patient. This is the final step in ensuring end-to-end electronic control and safe transfusion practice.

Original publication






Publication Date





2153 - 2155