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Nuocytes are essential in innate type 2 immunity and contribute to the exacerbation of asthma responses. Here we found that nuocytes arose in the bone marrow and differentiated from common lymphoid progenitors, which indicates they are distinct, previously unknown members of the lymphoid lineage. Nuocytes required interleukin 7 (IL-7), IL-33 and Notch signaling for development in vitro. Pro-T cell progenitors at double-negative stage 1 (DN1) and DN2 maintained nuocyte potential in vitro, although the thymus was not essential for nuocyte development. Notably, the transcription factor RORα was critical for the development of nuocytes and their role in the expulsion of parasitic worms.

Original publication





Nature immunology

Publication Date





229 - 236


Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK.


Leukocytes, Animals, Mice, Nippostrongylus, Strongylida Infections, Interleukin-7, Signal Transduction, Cell Differentiation, Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 1, Group F, Member 1, Thymocytes