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The UK islet allotransplant program is nationally funded to deliver one or two transplants over 12 months to individuals with type 1 diabetes and recurrent severe hypoglycemia. Analyses were undertaken 10 years after program inception to evaluate associations between transplanted mass; single versus two transplants; time between two transplants and graft survival (stimulated C-peptide >50 pmol/L) and function. In total, 84 islet transplant recipients were studied. Uninterrupted graft survival over 12 months was attained in 23 (68%) single and 47 (94%) (p = .002) two transplant recipients (separated by [median (IQR)] 6 (3-8) months). 64% recipients of one or two transplants with uninterrupted function at 12 months sustained graft function at 6 years. Total transplanted mass was associated with Mixed Meal Tolerance Test stimulated C-peptide at 12 months (p 

Original publication





Am J Transplant

Publication Date



clinical research/practice, diabetes: type 1, endocrinology/diabetology, graft survival, islet isolation, islet transplantation