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Left main coronary artery (LMA) disease jeopardizes a large area of myocardium and increases the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events. LMCA disease is found in 5% to 7% of all diagnostic coronary angiographies, and more than 80% of the patients enrolled in recent large randomized controlled left main trials had distal left main bifurcation or trifurcation disease. Emerging clinical evidence from prospective all-comer registries and randomized trials has provided a solid basis for percutaneous coronary intervention as a treatment option in selected patients with unprotected LMCA disease; however, to date, no uniform recommendations as to optimal stenting strategy for LMCA bifurcation lesions exist. This review provides an overview of provisional stenting technique and escalation to 2-stent strategies in LMCA bifurcation lesions. Data from randomized controlled trials and registries are reviewed. Technical characteristics of optimal provisional LMCA stenting technique and angiographic and intravascular determinants of escalation are also summarized.

Original publication





JACC Cardiovasc Interv

Publication Date





743 - 758


bifurcation treatment, left main coronary artery disease, percutaneous coronary intervention, provisional stenting, stepwise layered stenting, Humans, Prospective Studies, Treatment Outcome, Coronary Artery Disease, Coronary Angiography, Stents, Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, Risk Factors