Effects of hyperbaric pressure and temperature on atria from ectotherm animals (Rana pipiens and Anguilla anguilla).
Gennser M., Karpe F., Ornhagen HC.
1. Spontaneously beating atria from frogs (R. pipiens) and eels (A. anguilla) were compressed hydraulically to 10 MPa. Effects on beating frequency and twitch tension were studied. 2. At low temperatures (8-10 degrees C) compression to 10 MPa caused a slowing of the beat frequency. No effects were noted at higher temperatures (16-24 degrees C). Twitch tension was decreased by pressure at low temperatures and increased at high temperatures. 3. Differences were noted between preparations from cold and warm acclimatized frogs, and from silver and yellow eels, respectively. 4. The effect of temperature acclimatization on pressure and temperature sensitivity is discussed in relation to data on cardiac phospholipid fatty acid composition.