Notch signalling in ischaemia-induced angiogenesis
Al Haj Zen A., Madeddu P.
Notch signalling represents a key pathway essential for normal vascular development. Recently, great attention has been focused on the implication of Notch pathway components in postnatal angiogenesis and regenerative medicine. This paper critically reviews the most recent findings supporting the role of Notch in ischaemia-induced neovascularization. Notch signalling reportedly regulates several steps of the reparative process occurring in ischaemic tissues, including sprouting angiogenesis, vessel maturation, interaction of vascular cells with recruited leucocytes and skeletal myocyte regeneration. Further characterization of Notch interaction with other signalling pathways might help identify novel targets for therapeutic angiogenesis. © The Authors Journal compilation © 2009 Biochemical Society.