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Haemoglobin F has been isolated from the red cells of individuals with the Greek form of hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin (HPFH), and the glycine/alanine composition of the gamma CB3 peptides determined. In contrast to previous reports we have shown that the Hb F of the Greek HPFH heterozygotes contains significant amounts of G gamma chains and circumstantial evidence indicates that these are the products of the same chromosome that carries the Greek HPFH determinant. Hence this chromosome must be directing the synthesis of G gamma, A gamma and (probably) beta and delta chains, thus implying that the Greek form of HPFH does not result from a deletion involving the globin chain structural genes. Analysis of the levels and structure of Hb F from the Greek HPFH heterozygotes and from separated cell populations from the Greek HPFH/beta thalassaemia compound heterozygotes indicate that the Greek HPFH determinant, while allowing an overall increase in gamma chain synthesis, is not the sole factor determining the absolute amount of Hb F production on a cellular basis.


Journal article


Br J Haematol

Publication Date





521 - 36