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We report on a white Afrikaans family from eastern South Africa with three members affected with North Sea progressive myoclonus epilepsy, resulting from a homozygous founder GOSR2 mutation (c.430G>T, p.Gly144Trp). The mutation was identified by exomic sequencing in a research study investigating childhood onset ataxias. All three subjects presented with ataxia, tremor, early gait difficulties, and myoclonic and generalized tonic clonic (GTC) epilepsy. Each patient underwent deep brain stimulation of the caudal Zona Incerta before coming to the attention of the authors. In each case there was a reduction in GTC seizures, and two patients exhibited a reduction in involuntary movements, as evaluated during long-term follow-up. In one case there was an improvement in gait and stance when assessed while the stimulation was on.

Original publication





Mov Disord Clin Pract

Publication Date





249 - 253


GOSR2, North Sea progressive myoclonus epilepsy, deep brain stimulation