Genetically engineered two-warhead evasins provide a method to achieve precision targeting of disease-relevant chemokine subsets.
Alenazi Y., Singh K., Davies G., Eaton JRO., Elders P., Kawamura A., Bhattacharya S.
Both CC and CXC-class chemokines drive inflammatory disease. Tick salivary chemokine-binding proteins (CKBPs), or evasins, specifically bind subsets of CC- or CXC-chemokines, and could precisely target disease-relevant chemokines. Here we have used yeast surface display to identify two tick evasins: a CC-CKBP, P1243 from Amblyomma americanum and a CXC-CKBP, P1156 from Ixodes ricinus. P1243 binds 11 CC-chemokines with Kd