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Lumbar puncture (LP) is an important and frequently performed invasive procedure for the diagnosis and management of neurological conditions. There is little in the neurological literature on the topic of periprocedural management of antithrombotics in patients undergoing LP. Current practice is therefore largely extrapolated from guidelines produced by anaesthetic bodies on neuraxial anaesthesia, haematology groups advising on periprocedural management of antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants, and by neuroradiology on imaging-guided spinal procedures. This paper summarises the existing literature on the topic and offers recommendations to guide periprocedural antithrombotic management for LP, based on the consolidation of the best available evidence. ​.

Original publication





Pract Neurol

Publication Date





436 - 446


haematology, interventional, neuropharmacology, pharmacology, platelets, Fibrinolytic Agents, Guidelines as Topic, Hemorrhage, Humans, Nervous System Diseases, Neurologists, Spinal Puncture