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In the version of this article initially published, the first affiliation lacked 'MRC'; the correct name of the institution is 'MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine'. Two designations (SP110Y and ST110H) were incorrect in the legend to Fig. 6f,h,i. The correct text is as follows: for panel f, "...loaded with either the CdtB(105-125)SP110Y (DRB4*SP110Y) or the CdtB(105-125)ST110H (DRB4*ST110H) peptide variants..."; for panel h, "...decorated by the DRB4*SP110Y tetramer (lower-right quadrant), the DRB4*ST110H (upper-left quadrant)..."; and for panel i, "...stained ex vivo with DRB4*SP110Y, DRB4*ST110H...". In Fig. 8e, the final six residues (LTEAFF) of the sequence in the far right column of the third row of the table were missing; the correct sequence is 'CASSYRRTPPLTEAFF'. In the legend to Fig. 8d, a designation (HLyE) was incorrect; the correct text is as follows: "(HlyE?)." Portions of the Acknowledgements section were incorrect; the correct text is as follows: "This work was supported by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) (MR/K021222/1) (G.N., M.A.G., A.S., V.C., A.J.P.),...the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (A.J.P., V.C.),...and core funding from the Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN) (E.W.N.) and the SIgN immunomonitoring platform (E.W.N.)." Finally, a parenthetical element was phrased incorrectly in the final paragraph of the Methods subsection "T cell cloning and live fluorescence barcoding"; the correct phrasing is as follows: "...(which in all cases included HlyE, CdtB, Ty21a, Quailes, NVGH308, and LT2 strains and in volunteers T5 and T6 included PhoN)...". Also, in Figs. 3c and 4a, the right outlines of the plots were not visible; in the legend to Fig. 3, panel letter 'f' was not bold; and in Fig. 8f, 'ND' should be aligned directly beneath DRB4 in the key and 'ND' should be removed from the diagram at right, and the legend should be revised accordingly as follows: "...colors indicate the HLA class II restriction (gray indicates clones for which restriction was not determined (ND)). Clonotypes are grouped on the basis of pathogen selectivity (continuous line), protein specificity (dashed line) and epitope specificity; for ten HlyE-specific clones (pixilated squares), the epitope specificity was not determined...". The errors have been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.

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Nat Immunol

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