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Adoptees' views and experiences of direct-to-consumer (DTC) genomic testing: an exploratory interview study from the UK.

Journal article

Kay AC. and Taverner NV., (2023), J Community Genet, 14, 149 - 162

Villas, values and the Crystal Palace Company, c.1852-1911

Journal article

Kay AL., (2008), London Journal, 33, 21 - 39

A measure of worth: Probate valuations, personal wealth and indebtedness in England, 1810-40

Journal article

Owens A. et al, (2006), Historical Research, 79, 383 - 403

Retailing, respectability and the independent woman in nineteenth-century London.


Kay A., (2006), Women, Business, and Finance in Nineteenth-Century Europe Rethinking Separate Spheres