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Type 2 diabetes risk alleles in PAM impact insulin release from human pancreatic β-cells.

Journal article

Thomsen SK. et al, (2018), Nat Genet, 50, 1122 - 1131

A Genome-Wide Association Study of Diabetic Kidney Disease in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes.

Journal article

van Zuydam NR. et al, (2018), Diabetes, 67, 1414 - 1427

Genome-wide associations for birth weight and correlations with adult disease.

Journal article

Horikoshi M. et al, (2016), Nature, 538, 248 - 252

Variation in the glucose transporter gene SLC2A2 is associated with glycemic response to metformin.

Journal article

Zhou K. et al, (2016), Nat Genet, 48, 1055 - 1059

The genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes.

Journal article

Fuchsberger C. et al, (2016), Nature, 536, 41 - 47

Using genomic information to differentiate diabetes aetiology in young-adult onset diabetes

Conference paper

Kavvoura FK. et al, (2015), DIABETOLOGIA, 58, S22 - S22

Using genomic information to differentiate aetiology in young adult onset diabetes

Journal article

Kavvoura FK. et al, (2015), DIABETIC MEDICINE, 32, 18 - 18

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