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Microscale droplet assembly enables biocompatible multifunctional modular iontronics.

Journal article

Zhang Y. et al, (2024), Science, 386, 1024 - 1030

Targeted genetic therapies for inherited disorders that affect both cardiac and skeletal muscle.

Journal article

Psaras Y. and Toepfer CN., (2023), Exp Physiol

Filamin C Cardiomyopathy Variants Cause Protein and Lysosome Accumulation

Journal article

Agarwal R. et al, (2021), Circulation Research

CalTrack: High-Throughput Automated Calcium Transient Analysis in Cardiomyocytes.

Journal article

Psaras Y. et al, (2021), Circ Res, 129, 326 - 341

Future Leaders to Watch - Christopher Toepfer and Manuel Schmid

Journal article

Toepfer C. and Schmid M., (2021), BIOLOGY OPEN, 10

Efficient Large-scale Sarcomere Tracking (sarctrack) to Assess HCM Variants in iPSC-CMs

Conference paper

Toepfer C. et al, (2019), CIRCULATION RESEARCH, 125

Novel Therapies for Prevention and Early Treatment of Cardiomyopathies.

Journal article

Repetti GG. et al, (2019), Circulation research, 124, 1536 - 1550

Genetic Variants Associated with Cancer Therapy-Induced Cardiomyopathy.

Journal article

Garcia-Pavia P. et al, (2019), Circulation

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