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A Practical Guide to Delivering Nutritional Advice to People with Diabetes

Journal article

Dyson PA., (2019), Diabetes Therapy, 10, 367 - 374

Diabetes and Diet: A Patient and Dietitian’s Perspective

Journal article

Sergeant C. and Dyson PA., (2018), Diabetes Therapy, 9, 1733 - 1739

Diabetes UK evidence-based nutrition guidelines for the prevention and management of diabetes.

Journal article

Dyson PA. et al, (2018), Diabet Med, 35, 541 - 547

Improving diabetes competencies in dietitians: evaluation of a training programme

Conference paper

Hargreaves A. and Dyson PA., (2017), DIABETIC MEDICINE, 34, 12 - 12

Dietary management of obesity and type 2 diabetes: What advice should we be giving?

Journal article

Dyson P., (2017), Diabetes and Primary Care, 19, 100 - 101

Saturated fat and Type 2 diabetes: where do we stand?

Journal article

Dyson PA., (2016), Diabet Med, 33, 1312 - 1314

Low Carbohydrate Diets and Type 2 Diabetes: What is the Latest Evidence?

Journal article

Dyson P., (2015), Diabetes Ther, 6, 411 - 424

Reducing Health Risk Factors in Workplaces of Low and Middle-Income Countries.

Journal article

Anthony D. et al, (2015), Public Health Nurs, 32, 478 - 487

Reducing Health Risk Factors in Workplaces of Low and Middle-Income Countries

Journal article

Anthony D. et al, (2015), Public Health Nursing, 32, 478 - 487

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