Ashrafian Group: Experimental Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology
- Division of Cardiovascular Medicine
Experimental Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology is a component of the Radcliffe Department of Medicine (RDM) located within the John Radcliffe Hospital in Headington. Our main focus is the utilisation and expansion of clinical and experimental science to further advance drug discovery and development. This includes the harnessing of human genetic and genomic data for personalised medicine and the (re)positioning of existing and new drugs for early-phase mechanistic studies in human subjects.
Clinical Pharmacology in Oxford has been identified as a major area for development within the Medical Sciences Division. Through interdisciplinary collaborations both within Oxford University and with industrial partners we are spanning the gap between Oxford’s academic depths to deliver some truly excellent translational clinical science. In the future, we anticipate the establishment of a state-of-the-art clinical research facility which will allow us to facilitate early-phase trials in man and further clinical research in these areas.